
ディベルティメントは、ゲイとレズビアンなどLGBTの弦楽合奏団です。 弦楽合奏とは、ヴァイオリン、ヴィオラ、チェロ、コントラバスという4種類の弦楽器によるアンサンブルで、 クラシック曲を中心に演奏しているサークルです。 年1回の演奏会を目標に、基本的には隔週日曜の午後、東京都内で練習しています。
現在、活動中のメンバーは50人程度。 年齢層は30代を中心に、20代から60代まで比較的幅の広い構成になっています。 また、遠方(札幌、大阪、京都、九州そしてソウルなど)に住むメンバーもいて、合宿の時や普段の練習など、時間を作っては参加しています。
メンバーの楽器歴は、子供の時からレッスンを受けている人、学生オーケストラ出身者、大人になってから始めた人など様々です。 多少の経験と、合奏に参加したいという意欲のあるゲイ・レズビアンの方なら、どなたでも歓迎しています。 たとえば、弦楽合奏には演奏上、各楽器の人数に適正なバランスがあるのですが、 入団希望者がそのバランス通りに来るわけではないので、ときどき、いびつな編成になっていたりします。
しかし当団は「ゲイ・レズビアンの交流の場」という目的を持つサークルでもあり、演奏面を偏重しないでやってきました。 和やかな雰囲気を保ちつつ、一方で演奏水準を向上できるよう、練習を続けています。 また、これも特徴的なことなのですが、ディベルティメントの活動は、 指揮や楽器の指導・編曲など、多くの外部の方の助けを受けて成り立っています。 ゲイ・レズビアンのつながりあってこそで、とてもありがたいことだと思っています。♪
Divertimento is an strings ensemble for LGBTQ people. A string ensemble refers to an ensemble made up of the four string instruments of violins, violas, cellos and contrabasses, and we are a group that performs mainly classical pieces.
We have one major performance each year, and our practices are conducted every alternate Sunday afternoon in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
There are currently around 50 active members, with most of them in their 30s. Our members do span a slightly wider age range than other similar interest groups, ranging from the 20s to the 60s.
Our members come from many backgrounds, with some of them having taken musical lessons since young, to those who first picked up their instruments while in university, and even a few who started as adults. Hence, we welcome all interested LGBTQ musicians who are keen to perform with us, no matter your experience level.
For instance, in string performances, there exists a balance that is dependent on the number of people playing each particular instrument; however, because those who wish to join us do not follow that balance, our formations are sometimes unbalanced.
However, because one of our aims as an interest group is also to function as a place where LGBTQ individuals can meet and interact with one another, we do not place an overemphasis on performance. Instead, we practice with the aim of improving our skills, whiile maintaining a friendly and warm atmosphere.
In addition, another characteristic of our activities is that we receive a lot of external help in conducting and arranging our scores. This is due to the many connections formed through our interactions, and it is something we are very thankful for.
our history
楽団の結成は、1994年。 雑誌の文通欄で、「弦楽器をやっている人集まりませんか?」と募集をしたのが始まりです。 最初はいびつな集まり方で、ヴァイオリンがいなくてビオラとチェロだけだったり、 普通の弦楽アンサンブルが成り立たない状態でした。 また、メンバーも少なかったので、広い施設を借りることもできず、メンバーの家に集まって練習したりしていました。
その後、少しずつメンバーも増えはじめ、 結成から4年後の1998年に記念すべき第1回演奏会を開催することができ、 団の名前もその時に決まりました。
ディベルティメントという名称は、イタリア語で「嬉遊曲(きゆうきょく)」という意味で、 モーツァルトやハイドンに代表される18世紀後半の室内楽組曲の一種です。 また、曲の形式だけでなく「楽しい」という意味もあります。♪
Our ensemble was formed in 1994, and it all started with the placement of an advertisement in the correspondence column of a gay magazine, calling for people who played string instruments if they were interested in gathering.
In the early days, there were only violas and cellos, and it was impossible to form a regular strings ensemble; furthermore, there were too few members, and practice sessions ended up being held at each others’ houses, instead of at proper facilities. Eventually, though, we began to expand in size, and we were able to hold our first ever performance in 1998, four years after we formed. It was also at this time that we decided upon our name. “Divertimento”is an Italian word used to refer to chamber music that is often light-hearted in nature, and is best represented by the works of Mozart and Hayden in the second half of the eighteenth century. The word itself comes from “divertire”, which means “to amuse”.
string ensemble and orchestra
Since our formation, we have performed only with string instruments, but due to the increase in member numbers, as well as requests from members to perform certain pieces, we now play orchestral pieces every alternate year. For such pieces, we collaborate with brass and percussion players from other groups.
In 2008, we were quite possibly the first (and only) LGBTQ-only ensemble in Asia to perform Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. In addition, we also made history in 2017 as being possibly the only LGBTQ-only emsemble in the world to perform Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, complete with solists and a backing choir. (One of the solists is a straight ally.)
how to join us
We accept applications from interested parties any time.
Should you wish to join us or have a look, please drop us an email at the
following address: